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10 camera Motion Analysis three-dimensional motion capture system to quantify dynamic movement
16 channel Noraxon wireless EMG system to quantify muscle activity
2 embedded Bertec forceplates to quantify ground reaction forces, center of pressure, and to calculate joint moments
Biodex isokinetic dynamometer to measure force/torque
NeuroCom Balance Master to assess and treat postural control and balance
Alter G zero gravity treadmill
Dr. Smith partners with the Facility for Imaging and Brain Research (FIBRE) at the University of California, Irvine, to conduct neuroimaging in a state of the art 3T Siemens Prisma scanner.

The motion capture laboratory in the Department of Physical Therapy is a 4333-square foot space located in the main teaching and research facility on the Rinker Health Science Campus. Equipment in the lab includes:

Bod Pod
The Bod Pod is a high-tech, egg-shaped machine that assesses your weight and volume to determine body density and calculate body fat percentage.

Electromyography (EMG)
Electromyography (EMG) quantifies muscle activity and assesses the health of your skeletal muscles and the nerves responsible for controlling them.

Force Plates
Force plates measure the ground reaction forces exerted by a body standing or moving on it, providing data on balance, gait, and overall physical performance.

Motion Capture Cameras
The 3D motion capture cameras track and record the movement of subjects in three-dimensional space, creating detailed digital representations for analysis of their biomechanics.
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